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"Optically trapped microspheres are high-bandwidth acoustic transducers." L. E. Hillberry and M. G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Appl. 21, 014031 (2024).
"Efficient cooling of high-angular-momentum atoms." L. E. Hillberry, D. Budker, S. M. Rochester, and M. G. Raizen. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56, 155301 (2023).
"A proposed test of quantum mechanics with three connected atomic clock transitions." Mark G. Raizen, Gerald Gilbert, Dmitry Budker. Phys. Rev. A, Volume 106, 032209 (2022).
"Do atoms age?." Mark G. Raizen, David E. Kaplan, Surjeet Rajendran. Physics Letters B, Volume 832, 137224 (2022).
"Obituary for Steven Weinberg." M G. Raizen. Physics Today 74, 10, 72 (2021).
"Surface Ionization of Metastable Calcium Atoms." I. Bucay, A. Helal, M G. Raizen. AIP Advances 11, 015020 (2021).
"Monitoring damage of self-assembled monolayers using metastable excited helium atoms." Georgios Stratis, Jordan D. Zesch, Henry S. Pan, Lauren J. Webb, Mark G. Raizen. J. Chem. Phys. 154, 034704 (2021).
"Supersymmetry-assisted high-fidelity ground-state preparation of a single neutral atom in an optical tweezer." Xi-Wang Luo, Mark G. Raizen, and Chuanwei Zhang. Phys. Rev. A 103, 012415 (2021).
"Weighing an Optically Trapped Microsphere in Thermal Equilibrium With Air." L. E. Hillberry, Y. Xu, S. Miki-Silva, G. H. Alvarez, J. E. Orenstein, L. C. Ha, D. S. Ether, and M. G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 044027 (2020).
"Roadmap on STIRAP applications." Klaas Bergmann, Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, Cristian Panda, Gerald Gabrielse, Eduard Miloglyadov, Martin Quack, Georg Seyfang, Gunther Wichmann, Silke Ospelkaus, Axel Kuhn, Stefano Longhi, Alexander Szameit, Philipp Pirro, Burkard Hillebrands, Xue-Feng Zhu, Jie Zhu, Michael Drewsen, Winfried K Hensinger, Sebastian Weidt, Thomas Halfmann, Hai-Lin Wang, Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu, Nikolay V Vitanov, Jordi Mompart, Thomas Busch, Timothy J Barnum, David D Grimes, Robert W Field, Mark G Raizen, Edvardas Narevicius, Marcis Auzinsh, Dmitry Budker, Adriana Pálffy, Christoph H Keitel. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 (2019) 202001 (55pp).
"Observation of a quasi-one-dimensional variation of the Stern-Gerlach effect." K. S. Melin, P. I. Nagornykh, Y. Lu, L. E. Hillberry, Y. Xu, and M. G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 99, 063417 (2019).
"Highly Resolved Brownian Motion in Space and in Time." Jianyong Mo and Mark Raizen. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 51:403-428 (2019). doi: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-010518-040527.
"Brightening of a supersonic beam of neutral atoms. " Erik M. Anciaux, Georgios Stratis and Mark G. Raizen. Phys.Scr.93 124009 (2018); doi: 10.1088/1042-4896.
"Light the universe and everything - 12 Herculean tasks for quantum cowboys and black diamond skiers." Girish Agarwal, Roland E. Allen, Iva Bezděková, Robert W. Boyd, Goong Chen, Ronald Hanson, Dean L. Hawthorne, Philip Hemmer, Moochan B. Kim, Olga Kocharovskaya, David M. Lee, Sebastian K. Lidström, Suzy Lidström, Harald Losert, Helmut Maier, John W. Neuberger, Miles J. Padgett, Mark Raizen, Surjeet Rajendran, Ernst Rasel, Wolfgang P. Schleich, Marlan O. Scully, Gavriil Shchedrin, Gennady Shvets, Alexei V. Sokolov, Anatoly Svidzinsky, Ronald L. Walsworth, Rainer Weiss, Frank Wilczek, Alan E. Willner, Eli Yablonovitch & Nikolay Zheludev. Journal of Modern Optics 65 No.11, 1261-1308 (2018); doi: 10.1080/09500340.2018.1454525.
"Brownian motion as a new probe of wettability." Jianyong Mo, Akarsh Simha, and Mark G. Raizen. The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 134707 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4979177.
"Neutral atom imaging using a pulsed electromagnetic lens." Jamie R. Gardner, Erik M. Anciaux, and Mark G. Raizen. The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 081102 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4976986.
"Mercury Isotopes for Efficient UV Lamps and Fluorescent Lighting." Mark G. Raizen. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 52, No. 6, November/December 2016.
"Efficient polarization of high-angular-momentum systems." Simon Rochester, Szymon Pustelny, Konrad Szymanski, Mark Raizen, Marcis Auzinsh, and Dmitry Budker. Physical Review A 94, 043416 (2016).
"Efficient polarization of high-angular-momentum systems." Simon Rochester, Szymon Pustelny, Konrad Szymanski, Mark Raizen, Marcis Auzinsh, and Dmitry Budker. Proc. SPIE 9763, Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology IX, 97630D (2016). DOI:10.1117/12.2220208.
"Broadband boundary effects on Brownian motion." Jianyong Mo, Akarsh Simha, and Mark G. Raizen. Physical Review E 92, 062106 (2015).
"The measurement Einstein deemed impossible." Mark G. Raizen and Toncang Li. Physics Today 68, Issue 1, 56 (2015).
"Ballistic motion of a Brownian particle: Reply." Mark G. Raizen and Toncang Li. Physics Today 68, Issue 6, 11 (2015). -
"Testing the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution using Brownian particles." Jianyong Mo, Akarsh Simha, Simon Kheifets and Mark G. Raizen. Optics Express 23, 2 (2015). DOI:10.1364/OE.23.001888
"Magneto-optical cooling of atoms." Mark G. Raizen, Dmitry Budker, Simon M. Rochester, Julia Narevicius, and Edvardas Narevicius. Optics Letters 39, 4502 (2014). DOI: 10.1364/OL.39.004502
"Demonstration of magnetically activated and guided isotope separation." Thomas R. Mazur, Bruce Klappauf, and Mark G. Raizen. Nature Phys. 10, 601-605 (2014). DOI: 10.1038/nphys3013. Supplementary information.
"An experimental test of the weak equivalence principle for antihydrogen at the future FLAIR facility." Klaus Blaum, Mark G. Raizen, and Wolfgang Quint. Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2014.30 (2014). DOI: 10.1142/S2010194514602646
"Observation of Brownian Motion in Liquids at Short Times: Instantaneous Velocity and Memory Loss." Simon Kheifets, Akarsh Simha, Kevin Melin, Tongcang Li, and Mark G. Raizen. Science 343, 6178 (2014). DOI:10.1126/science.1248091
"Enhanced escape rate for Hg 254 nm resonance radiation in fluorescent lamps." James E. Lawler and Mark G. Raizen. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 415204 (2013). DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/41/415204.
"Manipulation of supersonic atomic beams with static magnetic fields." J. Gardner, R. Castillo-Garza, and M.G. Raizen. J. Chem. Phys. 139, 096103 (2013). DOI: 10.1063/1.4819897.
"Nanoscale Imaging of Neutral Atoms with a Pulsed Magnetic Lens." R. Castillo-Garza, J. Gardner, S. Zisman, and M.G. Raizen. ACS Nano 7 (5), 4378-4383 (2013). DOI: 10.1021/nn400896y.
"Superdiffusive trajectories in Brownian motion." J. Duplat, S. Kheifets, T. Li, M. G. Raizen, and E. Villermaux. Phys. Rev. E 87, 020105 (2013).
"Brownian motion at short time scales." T. Li and M. G. Raizen. Ann. Phys. (Berlin), DOI: 10.1002/andp.201200232 (2013).
"Towards Cold Chemistry with Magnetically Decelerated Supersonic Beams." E. Narevicius and M. G. Raizen. Chem. Rev. 112, 4879 (2012).
"Atomic laser-beam finder." K. Viering, D. Medellin, J. Mo, and M.G. Raizen. Optics Express 20, 25590 (2012).
"Magnetically activated and guided isotope separation." M. G. Raizen and B. Klappauf. New J. Phys. 14 023059 (2012).
"The atomic coilgun and single-photon cooling." A. Libson, S. T. Bannerman, R. J. Clark, T. R. Mazur, and M. G. Raizen. Hyperfine Interact., DOI:10.1007/s10751-012-0586-7 (2012).
"Direct observation of the full transition from ballistic to diffusive Brownian motion in a liquid." R. Huang, I. Chavez, K. Taute, B. Lukic, S. Jeney, M.G. Raizen, and E.-L. Florin. Nature Physics, DOI:10.1038/NPHYS1953 (2011).
"Millikelvin cooling of an optically trapped microsphere in vacuum." T. Li, S. Kheifets, and M.G. Raizen. Nature Physics, DOI:10.1038/NPHYS1952 (2011).
"Single-photon cooling in a wedge billiard." S. Choi, B. Sundaram, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A. 82, 033415 (2010).
"Demons, Entropy, and the Quest for Absolute Zero." Mark G. Raizen. Scientific American, March 2011, pg. 54-59.
"Measurement of the Instantaneous Velocity of a Brownian Particle." T. Li, S. Kheifets, D. Medellin, and M.G. Raizen. Science, DOI:10.1126/science.1189403 (2010).
"Nanofabrication by magnetic focusing of supersonic beams." R.J. Clark, T.R. Mazur, A. Libson, and M.G. Raizen. Appl. Phys. B. 103, 547-551 (2011).
"Using cold atoms to measure neutrino mass." M. Jerkins, J.R. Klein, J.H. Majors, F. Robicheaux, and M.G. Raizen. New J. Phys. 12, 043022 (2010).
"Efficient isotope separation by single-photon atomic sorting." M. Jerkins, I. Chavez, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 82, 033414 (2010).
"Experiments on quantum transport of ultra-cold atoms in optical potentials." M.C. Fischer and M.G. Raizen, in Time in Quantum Mechanics-Vol 2, Eds. J.G. Muga, A. Ruschhault, and A. del Campo, Springer-Heidelberg, 2009, pg. 205.
"Calculation of atomic number states: a Bethe ansatz approach." S. Wan, M.G. Raizen, and Q. Niu. J. Phys. B 42, 195506 (2009).
"Ultra-high fidelity qubits for quantum computing." M.G. Raizen, S. Wan, C. Zhang, and Q. Niu. Phys. Rev. A 80, 030302(R) (2009).
"Comprehensive Control of Atomic Motion." M.G. Raizen. Science 324, 1403 (2009).
"Preparation of atomic Fock states by trap reduction." M. Pons, A. del Campo, J.G. Muga, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 79, 033629 (2009).
"Single-photon cooling at the limit of trap dynamics: Maxwell's Demon near maximum efficiency." S.T. Bannerman, G.N. Price, K. Viering, and M.G. Raizen. New J. Phys. 11, 063044 (2009).
"Single-Photon Molecular Cooling." E. Narevicius, S.T. Bannerman, and M.G. Raizen. New J. Phys. 11, 055046 (2009).
"Single-molecule electron diffraction imaging with charge replacement." E. Fill, F. Krausz, and M.G. Raizen. New J. Phys. 10, 093015 (2008).
"Stopping Supersonic Oxygen with a Series of Pulsed Electromagnetic Coils: a Molecular Coilgun." E. Narevicius, A. Libson, C. Parthey, I. Chavez, J. Narevicius, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 77, 051401 (2008).
"Real-Time Control of the Periodicity of a Standing Wave: an Optical Accordion." T.C. Li, H. Kelkar, D. Medellin, and M.G. Raizen. Optics Express. 16, 5465 (2008).
"Single-Photon Atomic Cooling ." G.N. Price, S.T. Bannerman, K. Viering, E. Narevicius, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 093004 (2008).
Stopping Supersonic Beams with a Series of Pulsed Electromagnetic Coils: an Atomic Coilgun." E. Narevicius, A. Libson, C. Parthey, I. Chavez, J. Narevicius, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 093003 (2008).
"Rapid Measurement of Atomic Clock-State Qubits for Violating Bell's Inequalities." R. Stock, N.S. Babcock, M.G. Raizen, and B.C. Sanders. Proc. SPIE 6710, 67100W (2007).
"Entangling Identical Bosons in Optical Tweezers Via Exchange Interaction." N.S. Babcock, R. Stock, M.G. Raizen, and B.C. Sanders. Can. Jour. Phys. 86, 549 (2008).
"Entanglement of Group II-Like Atoms with Fast Measurement for Quantum Information Processing." R. Stock, N.S. Babcock, B.C. Sanders, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 78, 022301 (2008).
Development of a Fast Position-Sensitive Laser Beam Detector." I. Chavez, R. Huang, K. Henderson, E.-L. Florin, and M.G. Raizen. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 105104 (2008).
"Spatial Nonlocal Pair Correlations in Repulsive 1D Bose Gas." A.G. Sykes, D.M. Gangardt, M.J. Davis, K. Viering, M.G. Raizen, and K.V. Kheruntsyan. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 160406 (2008).
"An Atomic Coilgun: Using Pulsed Magnetic Fields to Slow a Supersonic Beam." E. Narevicius, C.G. Parthey, A. Libson, J. Narevicius, I. Chavez, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen. New J. Phys. 9, 358 (2007).
"Single-Photon Atomic Cooling." G.N. Price, S.T. Bannerman, E. Narevicius, and M.G. Raizen. Laser Physics 17, 965 (2007).
Towards Magnetic Slowing of Atoms and Molecules." E. Narevicius, C.G. Parthey, A. Libson, M. Riedel, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen. New J. Phys. 9, 96 (2007).
"Coherent Slowing of a Supersonic Beam with an Atomic Paddle." E. Narevicius, A. Libson, M.F. Riedel, C.G. Parthey, I. Chavez, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 103201 (2007).
"Towards Coherent Control of Supersonic Beams: a New Approach to Atom Optics." A. Libson, M. Riedel, G. Bronshtein, E. Narevicius, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen. New J. Phys. 8, 77 (2006).
"One-Photon Atomic Cooling with an Optical Maxwell's Demon Valve." A. Rauschaupt, J.G. Muga, and M.G. Raizen. J. Phys. B 39, 3833 (2006).
Decay by Tunneling of Bosonic and Fermionic Tonks-Girardeau Gases." A. del Campo, F. Delgado, G. Garcia-Calderon, J.G. Muga, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 74, 013605 (2006).
"Quantum Many-Body Culling: Production of a Definite Number of Ground-State Atoms in a Bose-Einstein Condensate." A.M. Dudarev, Q. Niu, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 063001 (2007).
"A Bose-Einstein Condensate Driven by a Kicked Rotor in a Finite Box." K.C. Henderson, H. Kelkar, T.C. Li, B. Gutierrez-Medina, and M.G. Raizen. Europhys. Lett. 75, 392 (2006).
"Transition to Instability in a Periodically Kicked Bose-Einstein on a Ring." J. Liu, C. Zhang, M.G. Raizen, and Q. Niu. Phys. Rev. A 73, 013601 (2006).
Improvement by Laser Quenching of an 'Atom Diode': a One-Way Barrier for Ultra-Cold Atoms." A. Raushaupt, J.G. Muga, and M.G. Raizen. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, 133 (2006).
"Experimental Study of the Role of Atomic Interactions on Quantum Transport." K.C. Henderson, H. Kelkar, B. Gutierrez-Medina, T. Li, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 150401 (2006).
"Direct Observation of sub-Poissonian Number Statistics in a Degenerate Bose Gas." C.-S. Chuu, F. Schreck, T.P. Meyrath, J.L. Hanssen, G.N. Price, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 260403 (2005).
"Extracting Atoms on Demand with Lasers." B. Mohring, M. Bienert, F. Haug, G. Morigi, W.P. Schleich, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 71, 053601 (2005).
A High Frequency Optical Trap for Atoms Using Hermite-Gaussian Beams." T.P. Meyrath, F. Schreck, J.L. Hanssen, C.-S. Chuu, and M.G. Raizen. Optical Express 13, 2843 (2005).
"Statistical Mechanics of an Optical Phase Compressor." A.M. Dudarev, M. Marder, Q. Niu, N. Fisch, and M.G. Raizen. Europhys. Lett. 70, 761 (2005).
"Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Box." C.-S. Chuu, J. Hanssen, F. Schreck, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 71, 041604 (2005).
"Compression of Atomic Phase Space Using an Asymmetric One-Way Barrier." M.G. Raizen, A.M. Dudarev, Q. Niu, and N. Fisch. Phys. Rev. Lett.94, 053003 (2005).
Quantum Chaos of Bogoliubov Waves for a Bose-Einstein Condensate in Stadium Billiards." C. Zhang, J. Liu, M.G. Raizen, and Q. Niu. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 074101 (2004).
"Motional Stability of the Quantum Kicked Rotor: a Fidelity Approach." F. Haug, M. Bienert, W.P. Schleich, T. Seligman, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 71, 043803 (2005).
"Transition to Instability in a Kicked Bose-Einstein Condensate." C. Zhang, J. Liu, M.G. Raizen, and Q. Niu. Phys. Rev. Lett.92, 054101/1 (2004).
"Kicked Rotor in Wigner Phase Space." M. Bienert, F. Haug, W.P. Schleich, and M.G. Raizen. Fortschritte der Physik.51, 474 (2003).
Entanglement Generation and Multiparticle Interferometry with Neutral Atoms." A.M. Dudarev, R.B. Diener, B. Wu, M.G. Raizen, and Q. Niu. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 010402-1 (2003).
"State Reconstruction of the Kicked Rotor." M. Bienert, F. Haug, W.P. Schleich, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 050403 (2002).
"Quantum Tweezer for Atoms." R. Diener, Q. Niu, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 070401 (2002).
"Stochastic Cooling in Confined Geometries." P.S. Ivanushkin, B. Sundaram, and M.G. Raizen. J. Opt. Soc. B 20, 1141 (2003).
Fluctuations and Decoherence in Chaos Assisted Tunneling." D.A. Steck, W.H. Oskay, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 120406 (2002).
"Guided Neuronal Growth with Light." A. Ehrlicher, T. Betz, B. Stuhrmann, D. Koch, V. Milner, M.G. Raizen, and J. Kas. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 99, 16024 (2002).
"Real-Time Feedback Control of Atomic Motion Using Feedback." V. Milner, J. Hanssen, and M.G. Raizen. Proceedings of the Eight Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics. Eds. N.P. Bigelo, J.H. Eberly, C.R. Stroud, and I.A. Walmsley. Klewer Academic Press, 2003.
"Observation of Cumulative Spatial Focusing of Atoms." W.H. Oskay, D.A. Steck, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 283001 (2002).
FM Spectroscopy in Recoil-Induced Resonances." M.C. Fischer, A.M. Dudarev, B. Guitierrez-Medina, and M.G. Raizen. J. Opt. B: Quant. and Semiclass. Opt. 3, 279 (2001).
"Observation of Chaos Assisted Tunneling Between Islands of Stability." D.A. Steck, W.H. Oskay, and M.G. Raizen. Science. 293, 274 (2001).
"Transition Between Extended and Localized States in a One-Dimensional Incommensurate Optical Lattice." R. Diener, G.A. Georgakis, J. Zhong, Q. Niu, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 64, 033416 (2001).
"Observation of the Quantum Zeno and Anti-Zeno Effects in an Unstable System." M.C. Fischer, B. Gutierrez-Medina, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 040402 (2001).
Optical Billiards for Atoms." V. Milner, J.L. Hanssen, W. Campbell, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1514 (2001)
"Shape of the Quantum Diffusion Front." J. Zhong, R.B. Diener, D.A. Steck, W.H. Oskay, M.G. Raizen, Z. Zhang, E.W. Plummer, and Q. Niu. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2485 (2001).
"Experimental Study of Quantum Chaos with Cold Atoms." Philosophical Magazine B 80, 2109 (2000).
"Ballistic Peaks at Quantum Resonance." W.H. Oskay, B.G. Klappauf, V. Milner, D.A. Steck, and M.G. Raizen. Optics Communications 179, 137 (2000).
Experiments in Quantum Chaos with Cold Atoms." M.G. Raizen, B.G. Klappauf, V. Milner, W.H. Oskay, and D.A. Steck. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" Course CXLII: New Directions in Quantum Chaos (20-30 July, 1999). Eds. G. Casati, I. Guarneri, and U. Smilansky. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2000.
"Quantitative Study of Amplitude Noise Effects on Dynamical Localization." D.A. Steck, V. Milner, W.H. Oskay, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. E 62, 3461 (2000).
"Recovery of Classically Chaotic Behavior in a Noise Driven Quantum System." V. Milner, W.H. Oskay, D.A. Steck, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. E 61, 7223 (2000).
"Observation of the Wannier-Stark Fan and the Fractional Ladder in an Accelerating Optical Lattice." K.W. Madison, M.C. Fischer, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communications) 60, pgs. R1767-R1770 (1999).
Quantum Chaos with Cold Cesium Atoms." B.G. Klappauf, D.A. Steck, W.H. Oskay, and M.G. Raizen. Laser Physics 9, 265 (1999).
"Dynamical Bloch Band Suppression in an Optical Lattice." K.W. Madison, M.C. Fishcher, R.B. Diener, Q. Niu, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, pgs. 5093-5096 (1998).
"Retardation Effects on Quantum Reflection from an Evanescent-Wave Atomic Mirror." R. Côté, B. Segev, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A. 58, pgs. 3999-4013 (1998).
"Observation of Rabi Oscillations Between Bloch Bands in an Optical Potential." M.C. Fischer, K.W. Madison, Q. Niu, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A (Rappid Communication) 58, pgs. R2648-R2651 (1998).
Experimental Study of Quantum Dynamics in a Regime of Classical Anomalous Diffusion." B.G. Klappauf, W.H. Oskay, D.A. Steck, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, pgs. 4044-4047 (1998).
"Quantum Chaos with Cesium Atoms: Pushing the Boundaries." B.G. Klappauf, W.H. Oskay, D.A. Steck, and M.G. Raizen. Physica D 131, pgs. 78-89 (1999).
"Observation of Noise and Dissipation Effects on Dynamical Localization." B.G. Klappauf, W.H. Oskay, D.A. Steck, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, pgs. 1203-1206 (1999).
"Stochastic Cooling of Atoms Using Lasers." M.G. Raizen, J. Koga, B. Sundaram, Y. Kishimoto, H. Takuma, and T. Tajima. Phys. Rev. A 58, pgs. 4757-4760 (1998).
Dynamical Localization of Ultra-Cold Sodium Atoms." C.F. Bharucha, J.C. Robinson, F.L. Moore, B. Sundaram, Q. Niu, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. E 60, pgs. 3881 (1999).
"Complementarity and Young's Interference Fringes from Two Atoms." W.M. Itano, J.C. Bergquist, J.J. Bollinger, D.J. Wineland, U. Eichmann, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 57, pgs. 4176-4187 (1998).
"How Landau-Zener Tunneling Takes Time." Q. Niu and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, pgs. 3491-3194 (1998).
"Atom Optics as a New Experimental Testing Ground for Quantum Chaos." M.G. Raizen. Proceedings of the Fourth Experimental Chaos Conference. Eds. M. Ding, W. Ditto. L. Pecora, M. Spano, and S. Vohra. World Scienctific, 1998.
Atom Optics as a Testing Ground for Quantum Chaos." M.G. Raizen. Comments At. Mol. Phys. 34, pgs. 321-328
"Quantum Transport of Ultra-Cold Atoms in an Accelerating Optical Potential." K.W. Madison, C.F. Bharucha, P.R. Morrow, S.R. Wilkinson, Q. Niu, B. Sundaram, and M.G. Raizen. Applied Physics B 65, pgs. 693-700 (1997).
"Quantum Reflection from an Atomic Mirror." B. Segev, R. Côté, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A 56, pgs. R3350-R3353 (1997).
"Quantum Chaos and Cold Atoms." M.G. Raizen. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Vol. 41. Eds. B. Bederson and H. Walther. Academic Press, 1999. 43-81.
New Light on Quantum Transport." M.G. Raizen, C. Salomon, and Q. Niu. Physics Today, July 1997. 30-34.
"Experimental Evidence for Non-Exponential Decay in Quantum Tunneling." S.R. Wilkinson, C.F. Bharucha, M.C. Fischer, K.W. Madison, Q. Niu, B. Sundaram, and M.G. Raizen, Nature 387, pgs. 575-577 (1997).
"Observation of Atomic Tunneling from an Accelerating Optical Potential." C.F. Bharucha, K.W. Madison, P.R. Morrow, S.R. Wilkinson, B. Sundaram, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 55, pgs. R857-R860 (1997)
"Atom Optics as a Testing Ground for Quantum Chaos." C.F. Bharucha, J.C. Robinson, F.L. Moore, K.W. Madison, S.R. Wilkinson, B. Sundaram, and M.G. Raizen. Atomic Physics 15. Eds. H.B. van Linden, et al. World Scientific, 1997. 62-81.
Atom Optics: A New Testing Ground for Quantum Chaos." M.G. Raizen. Nonlinear Science Today (1996).
"Observation of Atomic Wannier-Stark Ladders in an Accelerating Optical Potential." S.R. Wilkinson, C.F. Bharucha, K.W. Madison, Q. Niu, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett 76, pgs. 4512-4515 (1996).
"Atomic Landau-Zener Tunneling and Wanier-Stark Ladders in Optical Potentials." Q. Niu, Xian-Geng Zhao, G.A. Georgakis, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett 76, pgs. 4504-4507 (1996).
"An Experimental Realization of the Quantum delta-Kicked Rotor." M.G. Raizen, F.L. Moore, J.C. Robinson, C.F. Bharucha, and B. Sundaram. Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 8, pgs. 687-692 (1996).
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"Can a Single-Pulse Standing Wave Induce Chaos in Atomic Motion?." J.C. Robinson, C.F. Bharucha, K.W. Madison, F.L. Moore, B. Sundaram, S.R. Wilkinson, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett 76, pgs. 3304-3307 (1996).
"Observation of Oscillatory Energy Exchange in a Coupled Atom-Cavity System." R.J. Brecha, L.A. Orozco, M.G. Raizen, M. Xiao, and H.J. Kimble. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B12, pgs. 2329-2342 (1995).
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"Mutual Coherence and Interference in Resonance Flourescence." P. Morrow, P. Kochan, H.J. Carhmichael, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett 75, pgs. 45-48 (1995).
"Study of the Quantum Dynamics in the Transition from Classical Stability to Chaos." J.C. Robinson, C. Bharucha, F.L. Moore, R. Jahnke, G.A. Georgakis, Q. Niu, B. Sundaram, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett 74, pgs. 3963-3966 (1995).
"Observation of Dynamical Localization in Atomic Momentum Transfer: A New Testing Ground for Quantum Chaos." F.L Moore, J.C. Robinson, C. Bharucha, P.E. Williams, and M.G. Raizen. Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, pgs. 2974-2977 (1994).
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